Home Learning Tasks


Below are 7 learning tasks ; you may choose to complete all tasks or simply one.  Focus on making connections to your learning in school and applying your best effort. All T1 Tasks will self destruct at the end of Week 10! Completed tasks can be shared in class, every Friday. Get curious, Get creative, get connected to your learning!

Daily Tasks:         


Read for at least 20 minutes a day to improve your skills.  Fiction or nonfiction, challenge yourself to read a variety of texts.


What are your Basic Fact Gaps? Practise them at home until you can recall them instantly.


Smash your weekly class spelling tests by practising your spelling at home! Word Lists posted each week on the ‘Home’ page.

Passion Tasks: 

Activity Number One 

Walk around your neighbourhood (with an adult) and take photos, sketch or make a list of the sculptures that you see. These could be in the park, people's gardens, Oneroa has lots, letterboxes (lots are sculptures) or even simply in your own house. Use your noticing skills. Under each picture answer the following: What materials were needed to make them? What skills were needed to make them? What meaning or message do you think the sculptor was trying to convey through the sculpture? What art skills were needed to create it? 

Activity Number Two 

Research a particular type of sculpture that you are curious about. Here are some examples with their sculptor found on Waiheke. Make a poster or slide show to teach others about what you have learned. 

Mosaic Sculptures (Barnett Bond - Casito Miro) 

Brass Sculptures (Oliver - Oneroa)

Moving Sculptures ( Cable Bay) 

Pou and Whakairo (Wooden carvings such as those found at the marae) Chris Bailey, Darren Rippengale 

Activity Number 3 - Book Review

Read a book and write a review for the class. 

Use these headings 

Summary of storyline (Maximum of 5 sentences)

Main Character One

(What do they look like?, What type of personality do they have? Who are their siblings?) 

Main Character Two

(As above) 

Reasons why I enjoyed this book

Activity Number 4 - Book Review (Non Fiction - it could be an interesting news article) 

Why did you choose this book/article?

What would you recommend about this book/article?

What did you learn from reading this book/article?

Activity Number 5 

Draw or find a picture of a character.  Write a character description using the skills we have learned in class about adjectives (describing words), powerful verbs and similes.  

Activity Number 6  - Measurement 

 Draw a plan of your bedroom - this could be your actual bedroom or your dream bedroom . 

Write on the measurements for the different items that will go in your bedroom e.g. the length and width of your bed, bedside table, desk etc.  

Activity Number 7

Make a sculpture that tells a story about something that is important to you.

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